Check out this amazing article Mary Louise Schumacher of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote about Hamlet A.D.D.!
“Ciraldo and Swant allowed me to “scrub through” a number of scenes of the film with them in their studio recently. I was beside myself with giggles, like a misbehaving schoolgirl, and I felt a little uneasy about some of it, too. What I can say is that I saw evidence of some pretty nimble, if impish, literary and social criticism. It’s oddly true to the text, though radically transformed with its layering of references, its tone and pacing. The philosophical questions about Hamlet’s state of mind will remain, with a few more thrown in perhaps. And the time-traveling trope will be a romp for pop culture aficionados right down to the sound effects, props and score.”
— Mary Louise Schumacher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
To read the full article go HERE!